Sharing the FjordPhyto project through conference presentations

Part of a scientists job is to communicate their work. We do that in multiple ways: through conversations with friends and family,  talking to colleagues at school, posting to online social media platforms, creating outreach educational materials, submitting peer-reviewed publications, writing books, and of course, by attending conferences. Conferences are a great way to connect face-to-face with different communities of …

Biological Processes in Antarctic Ecosystems: AnT-ERA/SCAR spring course in Argentina

by Martina Mascioni (FjordPhyto Scientist) This past week (23 – 29 September 2018) the spring course on “Biological Processes in Antarctic Ecosystems” took place in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was a course for graduate, PhD students, and post-docs whose research interests are related to Antarctic ecosystems. Students from South America — Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, and Colombia …