Polar citizen science
A nasa funded project
Understanding polar fjords through community effort
FjordPhyto is a collaborative project between scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Universidad Nacional de la Plata working together with Antarctic Tour Operators, Polar Guides, and Travelers visiting the Antarctic Peninsula.
Every year, ocean measurements and phytoplankton samples are collected from the antarctic coast to monitor how melting glaciers influence phytoplankton populations.

This project was supported in part by the NASA’s Citizen Science for Earth Systems Program (CSESP) award # 80NSSC21K0856 (Pilot phase) # 80NSSC22K1914 (Implementation phase) and the National Science Foundation Public Participation in STEM Research (PPSR) extension to NSF award # PLR-1443705 (2017), as well as from a grant award from Hurtigruten Foundation (2019), and from generous donors (2019). You can help us keep this project going through a financial contribution here – we appreciate all the support!